Thoughts, ideas, ramblings. Covering a wide range of topics from Windows to Linux, Azure, hardware, software & more.

Game Music: Mass Effect 2

I can’t tell whether I am disappointed in the musical aspect of Mass Effect 2 or not. Unfortunately, some of the ‘best’ music tracks aren’t included on the Official Sound Track

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Game Music: Mass Effect 1

For such a great game, the ambient background music by itself doesn’t quite deliver quite the same effect as the game itself. The music in

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Game Music

I was recently enlightened to a page as a result of a Google search for the ‘Greatest Game Music Ever’. The ‘Billboard’ website, listed 25 of

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Keyboard and Mouse Cleaning

So you’re wondering what on earth Shadow Productions could do to help with your cleaning routine? Well, not much really — however I can at least appreciate

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Team Fortress 2 – Comics

I was browsing the Internet and some local pictures and found some interesting Team Fortress 2 comics and included them below. I can’t remember the sources, nor

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