Forums these days are riddled with individuals who just can’t spell or use proper grammar within their sentences. This prompted Facepunch Studios to modify their forum and introduce ‘smartness‘ ratings.
These ratings are determined by scanning your post for common spelling and grammar mistakes, then docking ‘points’ relative to the amount of mistakes you made in your post. If your smartness rating goes below a certain level you are banned from the forums teaching you to spell and grammaticize well (and I’m quite sure ‘grammaticize‘ is correct :p).
If you can spot the three mistakes in the picture below (two grammatical, one spelling) then reply to this post with a comment stating “I can spell and grammaticize” and let the world know of your smartness :D
Not a bad idea Facepunch, should be introduced as compulsory for every Internet forum installation :P
One Response
I can spell and grammaticize